Monday, September 5, 2011

My interest in PAF 494: 2nd blob post

Although it’s a little embarrassing to admit, I am a late bloomer in terms of politics.  I do pay attention to presidential elections however I am not involved enough with all politics; especially the state government.  Interesting enough media and my peers serve as a major influence in terms of making a difference by voting and getting to know who and how my political officials impact my everyday life.  Being involved in recent marches for proposition proposals and bills among the Latino community has helped me to realize that everyone’s participation is important in order to make a difference for the greater good of our country.  By taking this course, I am motivated that I will have a better understanding how both politics and media work hand and hand with society.  By understanding the way these institutions work and how society responds to media and political communication; I hope that I will be able to obtain the important messages provided versus being influenced to act on situations that I may not entirely comprehend.  I personally feel that society lacks participation because of the lack of understanding about politics and media.  I know that media provides important information about current events; however it is known that media has a tendency of taking issues to specific directions.  It’s my job to use media for information and form my own opinion with additional research.

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