Monday, September 26, 2011

Module 5: Congressman Anthony Weiner

For the fact that Congressman Anthony Weiner bluntly lied to the public through media regarding his involvement in the scandal; it definitely would have had an impact on his place in Congress. However I do not think stepping down from political office was the answer. Congressman should of overcome the humiliation and continue to work through the scandal in order to re-gain the trust and support from his followers. People learn from their mistakes and he should have stuck it out.

Definitely there are no boundaries in terms of Social Media. Social Media can either work for you or against you; therefore politicians must understand the consequences of personal choices they make regarding utilizing the new media for their convenience.

I believe that the media pressured Congressman Weiner to address his mistakes nationally and kind of backed him in the corner because they knew he was guilty based on the scandal. Congressman contradicted himself and lied throughout the scandal due to the fact that he was unable to handle the media attention.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Reactions to New Media and the two videos

I was amazed at the figures provided in each video as to how much influence that New Media has on the social network. It is definitely not a fad that new media is here, “and here to stay”. Twitter, blog, web pages, and other new forms of communication do reach a larger audience and will serve at a strategy to politicians and other social institutions. However my question and skepticisms are how new media provides enough information with good ethical and factual approaches. People will no longer have to hear both sides of the story that other forms of media provide. Society can pick and choose what they want to hear in terms of what is necessary for their decision-making. Will New Media provide accurate information that provides the whole situation or just influencing and persuasive information to reach a goal? There has to be some damage control to this fast and growing way forms of communication. Well as far as I see it, New Media is here to stay and will continue to revolutionize.

Three ways Social Media will shape public policy:
1. Social Media will reach a larger audience
2. Social Media will allow people to become more politically aware.
3. Social Media will keep society updated about upcoming and current events on a more broad scale and will allow people to become more accessible to the political leaders they follow.

Therefore people will become more confident in the political institution and feel more confident in participating in important decision-making events such as voting.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Article: Module 3 “Prominent national Hispanic group calls off its Arizona boycott over state’s immigration law”

Source: Washington Post: Local to National level

The way this issue made its way from local to national level was the Arizona boycotts initiated in May 2010 by Hispanic groups over the controversial immigration law. Hispanic organizations such as National Council of La Raza took part in this protest; resulting in increase Latino voters and defeat of a measure that would have changed how U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants are granted citizenship. American Citizens were both advocates and opponents. However immigrants and Latinos served as a majority of the advocate party regarding the opposed law proposals. The defeat of approving the law and increase in Latino voters served as a gain regarding this issue. In fact Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon’s office sent La Raza letters last month asking it to end the boycotts and work toward immigration reform. This issue definitely appeals to local voters because the boycotts in Arizona took place in the local communities and affected all who lived in Arizona in some shape or form.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Three branches of government Question #2

The three official branches of government—legislative, executive, and judicial

Consider how the three branches of government check and balance" each other. Consider how a media source like The Washington Post "checks" each branch of government. What methods does it use? How important is the role of the media to citizens and voters? How would you find out about what is going on in government without the media?


The media sources use their first amendment rights by using freedom of the press as a method of checking on the three branches by branches by informing the public of the government’s actions, allowing the people to respond accordingly. However regulations such as sedition and libel are examples of government regulations on freedom of the press. Freedom of t includes newspapers and magazines, but also extends to books, pamphlets, posters, and essentially anything in print. In addition, the contents of printed material can be communicated through different media forms, such as radio, television, and the Internet. he press includes.

Like other forms of expression, freedom of the press is essential to the advancement and operation of a democracy, providing important benefits to individuals, to society, and to the government:

In terms of polls, tracking and effects of specific events; media is very important to citizens and voter. However the relationship between political leaders and media can play a role on how the media will alter the dynamics of a specific candidate through influence and creating a positive and negative image. Therefore citizens and voters must be attentive to the manipulations that media can serve in political events.

Media puts you in places that are impossible to be. With widespread coverage on political events, it would be difficult to find out what’s going on with the government. Despite some negative perspectives about influence and persuasive tactics of media, it gives you the information citizens and voters need to make intelligent dicisions on who will represent the community, state and country.

Tip O'Neil

Based on the former U.S. Speaker of the House, he created the phrase "All politics is local". This phrase to my opinion is a directed to the ability and influence that politicians have on those who have elected them into office. Politicians must be attentitive to their community concerns and keep good relations because this is what represents the politician throughout their elections. This phrase reminds me of "Don't forget where you came from". The phrase from Tip O'Neal can be used against policians in election events as a negative gesture.

Monday, September 5, 2011

My interest in PAF 494: 2nd blob post

Although it’s a little embarrassing to admit, I am a late bloomer in terms of politics.  I do pay attention to presidential elections however I am not involved enough with all politics; especially the state government.  Interesting enough media and my peers serve as a major influence in terms of making a difference by voting and getting to know who and how my political officials impact my everyday life.  Being involved in recent marches for proposition proposals and bills among the Latino community has helped me to realize that everyone’s participation is important in order to make a difference for the greater good of our country.  By taking this course, I am motivated that I will have a better understanding how both politics and media work hand and hand with society.  By understanding the way these institutions work and how society responds to media and political communication; I hope that I will be able to obtain the important messages provided versus being influenced to act on situations that I may not entirely comprehend.  I personally feel that society lacks participation because of the lack of understanding about politics and media.  I know that media provides important information about current events; however it is known that media has a tendency of taking issues to specific directions.  It’s my job to use media for information and form my own opinion with additional research.